Rabu, 20 Juni 2012


Seberapa penting TOEFL dalam akuntansi For me it is very important TOEFL akuntatamsi field. Not only in this field, but for all jurusasn. Mastery of English language for me is one ability that is very difficult to understand or translate it, either orally or in writing. Levels or the ability of each person to master English language is also different. Depending on the extent to which someone is willing to try to train and develop capabilities. To measure a person's English language ability, can be done by way of a test. One of the TOEFL test tersebuat. TOEFL is often used as a requirement for follow-up study program, a scholarship program or to obtain a degree certified. Even now a requirement in finding a job. We must often learn in this TOEFL. TOEFL test is actually very useful, especially for graduates who want to work at the company. Because, this time almost all the company installed TOEFL standards as the main requirement to fill vacancies which they attach. TOEFL has become a necessity. However, there are some important things you need, which is one of them is a standard assessment used TOEFL each place is not the same. However, when viewed from the side of the needs and age, will be able to choose which ones should be used. For example, students need a TOEFL more than TOIEC. This is because in the subjects they are still contained writing. However, beyond that, it should also exist in TOIEC for writing exercises. Because, however, this capability is also needed in the workplace. In addition, because TOIEC using international standards, it may be rational if the price of expensive exams. Reportedly, all tests require funding of about 400 thousand per person. These prices can be quite high for the general public, especially for students. Not everyone is able to fulfill it. Many students are bored or lazy in this TOEFL. Proverbial prefer itung-itungan than having to work on the problems, especially english toefl dsalam this field. But should we have to remember that the TOEFL is very important in determining the working world.


Tulisan artikel 5 Banjir di Jakarta Banjir pada hakikatnya hanyalah salah satu output dari pengelolaan DAS yang tidak tepat. Bencana banjir menjadi populer dalam waktu hampir bersamaan (pada awal tahun 2007) beberapa kota dan kabupaten di Indonesia terpaksa harus mengalami bencana ini, bahkan DKI Jakarta yang notabene merupakan ibukota negara RI terpaksa harus terendam air. Kejadian banjir yang cukup berat juga pernah dialami oleh DKI Jakarta pada awal tahun 2002 yang menggenangi sebagian wilyah DKI jakarta walaupun tidak sehebat banjir awal tahun 2007. Dari hasil pemantauan di lapangan, maka dapat diidentifikasi beberapa penyebab banjir secara biofifik yaitu ; curah hujan yang sangat tinggi, karakterisitk DAS itu sendiri, penyempitan saluran drainase dan perubahan penggunaan lahan. Penjelasan dari penyebab banjir di atas adalah sebagai berikut : Curah Hujan. Curah hujan pada saat banjir jakarta pada tanggal 18 januari 2002, disebabkan oleh curah hujan harian sebesar 105 mm/ hari, kemudian banjir kedua pada tanggal 30 januari 2002 disebabkan curah hujan sebesar 143 mm/ hari. Padahal curah hujan di atas 50 mm/ hari patut diwaspadai. Kejadian banjir Jakarta dan sekitarnya pada tanggal 3 Pebruari 2007 berdasarkan data pengamatan tinggi muka air dan debit sungai ciliwung di pos pengamatan bendungan katulampa menunjukan angka 250 cm, padahal tinggi muka air melampau angka 100 cm sudah harus siaga. Curah hujan mencapai 172 mm/ hari (sudah melebihi banjir jakarta tahun 2002). Dengan lamanya hujan yang dimulai awal januari 2007 menyebabkan tanah menjadi jenuh dengan air sehingga pada saat hujan sebagian air hujan merupakan aliran permukaan (run off). Juga pada saat bersamaan laut di pantai utara DKI Jakarta naik. Karakteristik DAS. Daerah aliran sungai (DAS) yang ,menyebabkan banjir jakarta adalah DAS Ciliwung-Cisadane. Karakterisitik DAS meliputi bentuk dan kemiringan lereng. Karakteristik DAS Ciliwung-Cisadane mempunyai bentuk daerah hulu dan tengah dengan kelerengan terjal. Sedangkan daerah tengah sampai hilir sangat datar dan luas. Bentuk DAS ini begitu hujan jatuh maka air hujan dari daerah hulu langsung mengalir ke bawah dengan waktu konsentrasi yang singkat. Saluran Drainase. Saluran drainase memiliki peran sangat penting sebagai jalan bagi air untuk sampai ke laut yang merupakan tujuan akhir dari air mengalir. Volume saluran drainase sungai ciliwung khususnya daerah hilir disana sini mengalami penyusutan yang disebabkan oleh ukuran lebarnya berkurang, terjadi pengendapan dan masih berkembangnya prilaku masyarakat membuang sampah di sungai. Komentar : I think the article above is pretty good and useful because the information conveyed in the article above is very nice and well understood by the reader and all that to say in the article in accordance with the facts. Referensi http://adzaniahdinda.wordpress.com/2011/10/11/contoh-artikel-banjir/


Tugas artikel 4 *Women are more vulnerable to osteoporosis* Data Center Research and development of nutrition health ministry showed 90% of women have symptoms of osteoporosis, 32% of whom had osteoporosis. As for the men as much as 41.8 percent of the onset of symptoms, 28.8% percent of them had osteoporosis. Why a higher prevalence of women? This caused most of the 50% shortage of women Indonesia daily calcium needs. Survey European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2007, the average daily calcium intake of 293 mg per day Indonesian women. Ideally, the daily requirement of calcium for a woman is 1000 mg / day according to the RDA. The best sources of calcium are foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt, anchovies, shrimp rebon, nuts, tempeh, or drinking milk. The review of the SEAMEO Regional Center for Community TROPMED Nutrition, University appears logical and University of Otago New Zealand. concluded that the majority of Indonesian women consume only 270-500 mg / day, so it is not surprising that the two Indonesian women today are at risk of osteoporosis. Currently osteoporosis is a major health risk not only in Indonesia but in Asia due to increasing human population and life expectancy. Half of the fractures resulting from osteoporosis that occurs in the world will appear ASIA 2050, a widespread vitamin D deficiency and low calcium intake. Research Nutritionist Research Manager and senior health Fonterra Brands, John Todd. Why Calcium? Calcium is a mineral element is most numerous in the body. At 70 kg body weight there were approximately 1.200 grams of calcium which 99% are in the skeleton, while 1% were in other tissues and body fluids that are widely distributed throughout the body. The evidence suggests that people suffering from osteoporosis previously were not aware that the bone growth and development will cease at age 30 and after that decrease naturally. For that awareness should be fostered fulfillment of calcium should be done early. Calcium will help the blood clotting process and a catalyst for a variety of biological processes in the body and maintain cell membrane function. In order to maintain the necessary balance of calcium intake of more than 1,200 g / day for 51 years of age or older, and 1000 g / hr for 19-50 years. For children who are the body, calcium absorption can mencapai75% so that if the body will take calcium deficiency reserves in the bone bank. So the longer, the more calcium is taken, the bone becomes thinner and then porous. Comment : women proved more vulnerable than men due to osteoporosis Ideally the daily requirement of calcium for a woman is 1000 mg / day according to the RDA. therefore it is advisable for women to always keep eating foods that contain lots of calcium for bone growth and development period will cease at age 30 and after a natural decline.


Tulisan artikel 3 *READY TO BE VEGETARIAN ??* Because the reasons for health, beauty, love of animals, and reduce global warming, making the person ultimately reduce or do not consume animal flesh and dairy products. Such a person is usually called a vegetarian. But did you know that there are several types of vegetarian based on what they consume? What are the benefits and difficulties that have to undergo a diet like this? Benefits of Being Vegetarian The benefits of a vegetarian is primarily for health. These benefits include: • Useful for your health. As is known, vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber helps the digestive tract health and make you well every day. Vegetables and fruits are loaded with antioxidants that can prevent cancer, heart disease or diabetes. • Increase the beauty, ageless skin by consuming natural foods. Vegetables and fruits can make the body look slimmer. • Help reduce global warming is disturbing the earth's population. Livestock industry to be one cause of global warming on Earth and also contributed a fair amount of pollution, especially air pollution. In addition to warming and pollution generated in the industry, pollution is also generated from the process of making food for the animals. Difficult Being Vegetarian In addition to the benefits, there was also a felt unable to try vegetarianism. Causes that may be experienced: • Too meyukai meat, making it very difficult if you have to leave for the taste of meat remedy forever • By becoming a vegetarian will find it difficult if you have to eat outside because it was difficult to find vegetarian food on the market. Type of Vegetarian After seeing some of the benefits and difficulties encountered, you may tertari to become a vegetarian too. Vegetarian does not mean people who only eat vegetables, but vegetarian is divided into several types. Each type has its own rules. Vegetarian type consisting of: • Vegan Not consume all that good meat red meat, poultry or fish meat. Vegans do not consume animal products processed from a case of eggs, milk, or cheese. • Lacto Vegetarian Not consume any type of meat (red meat, poultry or fish meat) and eggs. But continue to consume milk. • Lacto ovo vegetarian Not consume any type of meat but allowed to eat eggs or dairy. • Pesca Vegetarian Do not eat red meat or poultry but allowed to keep taking the eggs, milk and meat. • Flexitarian A level that many make allowances for this kind can still eat meat and dairy products at all times. • Frutarian Only eat fruit, seeds and nuts are rich in vitamin E and is useful for skin care and make the young. • Raw Foodist Consume only raw foods, because the cooking process is considered to damage the natural things that exist. The decision to become vegetarian or not is your own decision you can think of to consider the benefits and COMMENT : Be a vegetarian or not is a personal choice of each individual. was clear with a vegatarian our lives will be healthier and away from various diseases. but also many difficulties to be faced if we are to transform themselves into a vegetarian. one of which is that we should be able to control ourselves to not consume any animal flesh be it red meat, poultry or fish meat. But not all types of vegetarians are not allowed to eat meat, as in the article above in describing the various types of vegetarian and its own rules.


Tulisan artikel 2 *Do not Feel Better Yourself From Others* A shipwreck on the high seas as severe storm and waves. Only two the man who could save themselves. They swam to a small island arid. Two of the survivors did not know what to do. But they both convinced that nothing can be done but pray. To find out who the prayer of the most granted, they agreed to split The little island into two territories. And their own lives opposite on the sides of the island. The first prayer they prayed, they begged to be derived food. The next day, the man to one saw a tree full of fruit- fruits growing on the side of his residence. While in the area where he lived the others remain empty. What about the fate of these two men? Who who won? The story goes as follows: A week later, to a man who feels lonely and decided to pray to be a wife. The next day, there is a sunken ship and the only surviving passenger was a woman who swam and stranded on the side where the man lived in one. While at the residence to the two men still no nothing. Soon, this one man to pray for the home, clothing, and food. The next day, like a miracle, all that is required to present for him. While the second man still did not get anything. Finally, this one man to pray for the ship that he and his wife could leave the island. In the morning they found a ship moored on the beach. Soon he and his wife climbed into one on board and get ready to set sail to leave the island. He decided to leave the man to two who lives on the other side of the island. According to him, was the second man did not deserve such a blessing because her prayers had never come true. Once the ship ready to go, this one man to hear the echoes of the sky, "Hey, why are you leaving your partner at the other side of this island?" "My blessing is my own, because only doakulah the grant," he replied to this one. "Prayer is not one man my friend answered. So, he did not deserve anything. "" You're wrong! "Boomed the voice snapped. "Did you know that your partner had only one prayer. And, all the prayers come true. If not, then you will not get anything. " "Tell me," asked the man to the one it is. "What kind of prayer he prayed that I should feel indebted to all of this to him?" "He prayed that all your prayers answered!" What kind of arrogance that makes us feel better than others? Realize how many people who have sacrificed everything for our success. We should not ignore the role of others. And do not judge someone / something just from the "visible" only. Comment : Thank God, for every person who gets the opportunity to gain this insight, because it is also a prayer orang2 creative, and willing to try to always seek and find inner peace not easy to convey something useful, is also not easy to accept any advice for self-improvement


Tulisan artilel 1 *We live to share* Everyone should be aware that people were born different. Some people were born in Africa and they are human with black skin. Some were born in Europe and America and they are lucky with their white skin. And some other was born in Asia. People live in different surface of the earth so they can learn and know each other. Everyone should be aware that people in all around the world are different. Some people can do anything with their money. But there are many people who can’t imagine how a plane is like. I read Tetsuko Kuroyanagi’s book and knew that there were children in Africa who didn’t know how to draw an elephant. Everyone should be aware that there are many rich people so they can buy an island. But there are also many people that are dying because of nutrition deficiency. Everyone should be aware that people can only live their life, if there’s just a balance. The rich should share some of their wealth to them who are poor. How do you think if a half of this planet’s rich people help their siblings who don’t have enough money to study at school? If the riches help to provide good health care, if they help to drain water for those who are attacked by drought? Ramadan is the month to start sharing. And we know that the world will be much better. Comment : There is no human being the same in this world, we are all born different to complement each other. therefore it is necessary tolerance between human beings. Not only tolerate each other but also share is in need. as describe in the article above that each person must realize that people can only live their lives, if only there was a balance. The rich should share some of their wealth to the poor. wonderfull if we share ...